Joulica and Zoom

Joulica supercharges Zoom Contact Center with Customer Journey Analytics. The solution integrates data from across Zoom and other platforms into a single platform for real-time cross-channel orchestration, analysis and visualisation.

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Product Insights

Understanding customer journeys is pivotal in delivering outstanding experiences. Joulica enables you to analyse and optimize customer journeys across the entire Zoom Contact Center Platform. We seamlessly integrate with Zoom Contact Center, Zoom Virtual Agent, and Zoom Phone, capturing valuable interaction data at every touchpoint. By combining this Zoom intelligence with insights from your broader tech stack, e.g.  Salesforce and Twilio Segment, you gain a truly holistic understanding of your customers journeys. This 360-degree view allows you to identify friction points, personalize experiences, and make data-driven decisions that elevate the entire customer journey.

Zoom Customer Journeys

Joulica offers comprehensive customer journey analytics for Zoom Contact Center, fully integrated within the Zoom desktop application.

Data-Driven Prioritisation

Our customer journey analytics correlate with key business KPIs, allowing you to focus on high-impact journey improvements with real-time insights.

Orchestrate with Journey Context

Integrating journey analytics into Zoom Flows enables contextualised interactions, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty across all touchpoints.

Customer Journey Analytics for Zoom

Joulica provides customer journey analytics across the Zoom platform. This includes Zoom Contact Center, Zoom Virtual Agent and Zoom Phone. Our integration with Zoom is in addition to other key Enterprise applications including Salesforce and Twilio Segment. In combination, customer journey analytics are provided for the full customer experience, across all channels. Insights relation to friction points in self-service experiences, digital to contact center journeys, and more, are surfaced directly within the Zoom application. Zoom customer journey analytics can be correlated with business KPIs such as customer retention, customer effort and sales outcomes. The solution provides organizations with a holistic view of the customer journey, enabling deeper insights and data-driven prioritised improvements. 

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Orchestrating the Experience Graphic - White

Orchestrating every Zoom Experience with Context

Integrating customer journey analytics into Zoom Flows allows organizations to utilise the full context of the customer journey to personalise every interaction. By proactively guiding customers along optimal pathways and resolving issues promptly, organizations can enhance customer satisfaction and foster loyalty. This applies across all customer touchpoints meaning that every customer experience benefits from the context needed to deliver the personalised touch.

Driving Business Outcomes

Joulica realtime customer journey analytics provide real-time visibility into omnichannel customer interactions across Zoom Contact Center and other platforms. Its advanced analytics capabilities empower organizations to derive actionable insights, helping them to identify trends and patterns that impact the customer experience. In addition, customizable analytics ensure that businesses can focus on metrics and KPIs that align with their specific objectives. Joulica facilitates informed decision-making by providing comprehensive insights into customer behaviour and preferences, allowing organizations to deliver exceptional experiences.

Zoom Journeys

Prioritizing Investments

Our customer journey analytics for Zoom can be correlated with business KPIs such as customer retention, customer effort and sales outcomes. Integrating journey analytics with business objectives and surfacing the insights in enterprise applications ensure outcomes are strategically aligned with all stakeholders and business objectives. Stakeholders can focus on initiatives that deliver the greatest return on investment, with outcomes immediately access via realtime analytics.

Orchestrating every Zoom Experience

Integrating customer journey analytics into Zoom Flows allows organizations to utilise the full context of the customer journey to personalise every interaction. By proactively guiding customers along optimal pathways and resolving issues promptly, organizations can enhance customer satisfaction and foster loyalty. This applies across all customer touchpoints meaning that every customer experience benefits from the context needed to deliver the personalised touch.

Fully Integrated within the Service Cloud Desktop

Joulica real-time analytics can be fully embedded within the Service Cloud desktop delivering the best user experience for your managers and supervisors.

Key Features

Customer Journey Analytics drive actionable insights that can be used to orchestrate and adapt customer experiences in real-time.

  • Customer Journey Analytics
  • Customer Journey Orchestration
  • Blend data from digital and emerging channels
  • Enrich with business & customer context
  • Optimise digital and automated engagements
  • Optimise Retention and Increase Efficiencies

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam quis lobortis ipsum, sed lacinia ante. Sed in fringilla risus. Suspendisse porta ipsum nec erat euismod, a feugiat tellus imperdiet. Duis ornare ultrices finibus.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam quis lobortis ipsum, sed lacinia ante. Sed in fringilla risus. Suspendisse porta ipsum nec erat euismod, a feugiat tellus imperdiet. Duis ornare ultrices finibus.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam quis lobortis ipsum, sed lacinia ante. Sed in fringilla risus. Suspendisse porta ipsum nec erat euismod, a feugiat tellus imperdiet. Duis ornare ultrices finibus.


Ready to get started?

Get in touch to see how Joulica can optimise and orchestrate your Customer Journeys with customisable realtime analytics.

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